Happy New Year to everyone! New Year's
Eve depresses the crap out of me, but I actually really love starting a New Year. Clean slate and all that. With that said, I still have several 2008 FOs about which I need to blog! I somehow ended up on a cowl jag (probably all of the queued cowls in my Rav queue taunting me) and knit five cowls this past fall (because you know, winter just started less than two weeks ago! Egad!).
Behold my warm neck

And behold my laughingface because Mr. Cabbage made the comment that in the above photo I look like I have laser eyes.
This cowl was knit with about half a skein of Malabrigo. Which means I have half a cowl's worth left. Perhaps I should gift it? I kind of love this cowl and wear it often, despite the fact that hot pink is not a Cabbage Color. Cabbage Colors are scarlets, plums, chocolates, and blacks. Sometimes green. But never hot pink. So why can't I stop wearing this cowl?
Moving on. I found some ShibuiKnits Baby Alpaca DK and was bemoaning the fact that I couldn't justify buying it because it was too expensive to knit a sweater or scarf out of. Enter my shopping buddy,
Frek, who politely asked, "don't you have eleventy billion cowls in your Ravelry queue?".
So two skeins (one blue, one green) went home with me and the green became this:

It is a little on the large side, so I often use an oversized safety pin to smoosh it closed.
Deets here.
This cowl I'm a bit less jazzed about. Perhaps I need to get used to it, but it just looks a little odd on.
Cowl numero quatro was knit with yarn from my friends
Libby and Karen's new
yarn shop! And I know some of you out there love yarn that still has spinning oil in it, and if that's you then you need to go buy summa this Frog Tree Alpaca.

final cowl was knit with yet another half-skein of Malabrigo and is significantly less drapey than the others, even after blocking. I therefore wear it a bit less often. If I knit this again, I'd add another width-wise repeat, fo sho.

And now that this post is done, what is up with me and blogging about series of knitting? I never realized I was a serial knitter until five seconds ago.
Next up: twin scarves!